In just one day, Ideal’s PipeRenew treatment removes 768 ft
of paraffin and restores full flow to 2,450-ft composite flowline
Jena, Louisiana Justiss Oil Company
Almost 800 ft of flowline between the well and the production facility of an onshore Louisiana well was completely plugged with paraffin.
Made completely of nonmetallic composite material, the highly flexible, 3.625-in. OD (2.875-in. ID) x 2,450 ft flowline could not be remediated by mechanical processes without risk of pipe damage.
Line Type: Fiberspar
Size: 3.625-inch OD (2.875" ID)
Volume: 19 bbls
Length: 2,450 feet

Ideal’s PipeRenew® treatment was the perfect solution. It is the only non-hazardous, environmentally responsible remediation solution that effectively removes paraffin and asphaltenes. The PipeRenew® treatment reacts with the portion of oil that contributes to the acid value to make a simple soap. This breaks up the paraffin and allows it to be pumped out. The PipeRenew® treatment fluid is completely safe for use in composite pipe, which continues to grow in use.
Ideal pumped 13 bbl of PipeRenew® solution into the riser, located in the middle of the line. Production fluids were displaced and collected on the well-end of the flowline.
The line was pressured up to 1,000 psi and the obstruction soaked in the remediation fluid overnight.
Line pressure dropped to 600 psi overnight. The flowline was opened on the receiving end, and the pump truck connected to the flowline on the well side. Pumping began at 9:00 a.m. By noon, paraffin was flowing out of the line continuously, and 6 bbl of paraffin was ultimately removed from the flowline. The incident-free project was completely successful, and full communication was achieved by 1:00 p.m.
For more information about how non-hazardous, environmentally
responsible PipeRenew® remediation treatment can cost-effectively
remove paraffin and asphaltenes from your pipeline,
contact your Ideal Energy Solutions representative today.